You've got questions.
We have <some> answers.
Where is the cluster hosted?
Æsir runs on hardware owned by our founders, Jax and Zuka. Day-to-day operations are handled with the assistance of our fantastic support team!
In the Midwest USA.
Are there starter kits?
Ragnarok and Aberration host community centers with starter gear and mounts. Players may take as much as they need, and donations to the centers are also accepted. Our support team regularly restocks the centers.
Yes, and they're free!
Does the mod list ever change?
We take mod suggestions through our Discord. Our goal is to keep our mod load consistent across the cluster and avoid unbalanced or unnecessary mod additions.
Yes, but infrequently.
Do the servers ever wipe?
We utilize an API plugin that removes structures and dinos after 32 days of inactivity. We routinely take care of problems that usually cripple PvE servers by performing routine cleanups of mod files, reinstallation of base game files, and regular profile and save validation passes.
On an as-needed basis, we perform a server "migration" by opening up new servers with full and open transfers enabled. The old server are retired once players finish the move. Migrations allow us to reap the benefits of fresh saves while retaining everyone's progress.
Are there perks for supporters?
All perks are purely cosmetic and practical. Our goal is never to offer something that cannot be achieved in-game without reasonable effort. Supporters also get access to a lounge where we preview and workshop upcoming changes and ideas.
Your support helps us keep things tidy and take care of the bills. We welcome, but never expect, tips from our community. Jax and Zuka handle upkeep costs themselves, with help from our community. All funds go towards server utilities and projects that improve Æsir in tangible ways.
To date, our community has helped fund the purchase of four Ryzen 7 systems, four uninterruptible power supplies, NVMe SSDs for every host, and professional-grade network gear.
Yes, via Patreon and Ko-fi.
Is there a store?
We've always felt that a shop would diminish face-to-face interaction among our players. Our community boasts an active trading channel, open to everyone that joins the cluster!